Friday, 10 April 2009

Shopping in Siem Reap

Ms Shopaholic is in Siem Reap right now!

I am absolutely loving it - Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom - amazing amazing structures! But there are too many temples to visit in a week, me thinks!

One last one to go today, then its SHOPPING time! In case you're wondering, no, I havent shopped (much), aside from a few scarves here, a few t-shirts there. But all that might change this afternoon and tomorrow when its going to be all out shopping and NO MORE TEMPLES!!! :-)

Does shopping while on holiday count? After all, I set aside and brought enough cash specifically for shopping, so I think I'm not going to count the shopping I do on this trip. Doesnt matter if I've bought 5 or 500 sillk scarves, a few bottles of delicious smelling lemongrass cream, or silly tees that say 'Same Same But Different' - its all part of my holiday budget.

Unless of course I start whipping out my credit card and start buying gemstones - then that's a different story!

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